War in Ukraine: The Psychological Impacts
War in Ukraine: The Psychological Impacts
The PAR Foundation is actively researching various topics related to the War in Ukraine including:
Victims of War and/or Atrocities
Supports for the Unexpected Military Personnel and Their Families
Violence Against Women & Children During War
Children & War: A Developmental Perspective
Refugee Psychological Support Topics & Services
Suicide During War & Relocation
Resiliency Enhancement for Victims of War
Advanced Education and Peer Supervision for Mental Health Professionals in Ukraine
and Refugee Supporting Countries to address:
- Crisis Intervention Protocols
- Peer Support Services
-Women's Issues During War
- Children's Issues During War
- Treating Victims of War
- Compassion Fatigue
- Moral Injury and Moral Abandonment
and various other topics as needed.
We are gladly networking with Ukraine-based organizations as well as other countries and world organizations to provide the best possible care, education, and advocacy.
For more information contact: Sam@PARFdn.com or 01 (423) 322-3297 (WhatsApp)
Photo reference: New York Times
Current Events Think Tank
Current Events Think Tank
A group of specially trained community professionals along with family and friends who have previously experienced the suicidal death of a loved one responds on-site to assist in the immediate aftermath of a current death by suicide in TN, GA, AL, and NC.
This team is in development.
If you would like to be a part of this new crisis response service, review the following preliminary documents and contact us.
- Team Invitation HERE
- Development Team Meeting Reminder Meme HERE
- Project Overview DRAFT HERE
Reference Articles HERE
For more information about immediate service or team information,
Contact: Sam@PARFdn.com or (423)322-3297
Suicidal Death Survivors Emergency Response Team
Suicidal Death Survivors Emergency Response Team
A group of specially trained community professionals along with family and friends who have previously experienced the suicidal death of a loved one responds on-site to assist in the immediate aftermath of a current death by suicide in TN, GA, AL, and NC.
This team is in development.
If you would like to be a part of this new crisis response service, review the following preliminary documents and contact us.
- Team Invitation HERE
- Development Team Meeting Reminder Meme HERE
- Project Overview DRAFT HERE
Reference Articles HERE
For more information about immediate service or team information,
Contact: Sam@PARFdn.com or (423)322-3297
PAR Critical Incident Stress Management Collective
PAR CISM Collective
PAR Critical Incident Stress Management Collective
PAR CISM Collective
A multidisciplinary group of community peers specially trained in Critical Incident Stress Management to respond to various traumatic events within TN, GA, AL, and NC; Southeast; the USA or World Wide.
Special Teams to address:
-Survivors of Suicidal Death-LGBTQ+
-Veterans & Their Families
-Media Personalities, Reporters, Journalists, Videographers
-Public Information Officers
This team follows ICISF guidelines and may utilize other models to augment services as required by each event.
For more information about immediate service or team information,
Contact: Sam@PARFdn.com or (423)322-3297
Magic Relief
Magic Relief
Magic is entertainment and diversion, but also a source of hope and resilience. Magicians can be requested to respond to any crisis event to provide the magic of hope and untapped potential.
Whether In-Person or Virtual, Magicians can appear and provide relief from the horrors of crisis and disasters even if for a few minutes.
For more information about immediate service or team information,
Contact: Sam@PARFdn.com or (423)322-3297
Dr. John D. Martin Memorial Spiritual Crisis Educational Institute
Dr. John D. Martin Memorial Spiritual Crisis Educational Institute
Spiritual leaders can be a stabilizing and motivating presence during a crisis. To support these spiritual leaders, we provide educational experiences in providing "trauma-informed spiritual care".
Providing didactic presentations during Clinical Pastoral Education, specialty seminars, and training.
To purchase Dr. Martin's book: Streams of Tears, The Heartache of Divorce HERE
For more information about immediate service or team information,
Contact: Sam@PARFdn.com or (423)322-3297
Zero COVID: Chattanooga
Zero COVID: Chattanooga
As a local affiliate of Zero COVID, Zero COVID: Chattanooga works to bring local awareness to the effectiveness of science and technology by advocating for the main principles of Zero COVID US HERE.
ZeroCovid is a project of the New England Complex Systems Institute HERE
For more information, visit our website HERE
Crisis Academy
Crisis Academy
A psychological crisis can be overwhelming for those experiencing the event.
The Crisis Academy offers a wide variety of educational experiences for any population local or international.
We have credentialed instructors available to teach:
Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)Courses
Group CISM
Assisting Individuals in Crisis
Advanced Group Crisis
Advanced Assisting Individuals in Crisis
Building Skills in CISM
Stress Management
Workplace CISM
Responding to School Crisis
Suicide: Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention
Suicide Awareness
Grief Following Trauma
Pastoral I CISM
Team Evolution & Management (TEAM)
From Trauma to Addictions
Strategic Response to Crisis
Emotional & Spiritual Care in Disasters
Terrorism: Psychological Impact and Implications
Changing Face of Disaster Mental Health & Crisis Intervention
Acute Traumatic Stress Management (ATSM) Courses
Comprehensive ATSM
School ATSM
University ATSM
Traumatology Courses
ACEs Awareness
Adverse Childhood Experiences HERE
PREPaRE: School Crisis Curriculum
From the National Association of School Psychologists: HERE
I: Comprehensive School Safety Planning: Prevention Through Recovery
II: Mental Health Crisis Interventions: Responding to an Acute Traumatic Stressor in Schools
Resi​liency Sciences Institutes
Resilient Crisis Leadership
Resilient Crisis Communications
Resiliency: Psychological Body Armor
Media SKills for Elected Officials
Disaster & Crisis Media Relations
For more information, Contact Sam D. Bernard, Ph.D. HERE
Suicide Attempters (SA)
Suicide Attempters (SA)
A support group for suicide attempt survivors by suicide attempt survivors
Suicide Attempt Survivor Support (SASS)
Suicide Attempt Survivor Support (SASS)
A support group for family and friends of someone who has attempted suicide
Trauma Survivor
Trauma Survivor
A support group for survivors of trauma
Trauma Survivor
Family & Friends
Trauma Survivor
Family & Friends
A support group for family and friends of a trauma survivor