Civil Unrest
Civil Unrest
Civil Unrest, protesting, rioting, these terms are many times used interchangeably. This page provides resources to assist in the understanding of these behaviors from a psychological perspective.
If you find helpful information concerning any of these topics, please contact us for possible inclusion on this page.
by Merriam-Webster
by Merriam-Webster
Unrest: a disturbed or uneasy state, turmoil; a situation in which many people in a country are angry and hold protests or act violently
Protest: ​a solemn declaration of opinion usually of dissent; the act of objecting or a gesture of disapproval; a complaint, objection, or display of unwillingness usually to an idea or a course of action,
Riot: a violent public disorder; a tumultuous disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons assembled together and acting with a common intent
Civil Disobedience: refusal to obey governmental demands or commands especially as a nonviolent and usually collective means of forcing concessions from the government
Articles of Interest
Articles of Interest
What do We Know About Conspiracy Theories? - Am Psychological Assoc
How to Recognize and Combat 'Fake News" - Am Psychological Assoc
Healing the Political Divide - Am Psychological Assoc
Thrill-Seeking, Search for Meaning Fuel Political Violence - Am Psychological Assoc
How Politics Became so Uncivilized - Am Psychological Assoc
Why America's Bitter Politics are Like a Bad Marriage - Am Psychological Assoc
Politics is Personal - Am Psychological Assoc
How to talk to children about difficult news - Am Psychological Assoc
Simple Activities for Children and Adolescents
Parent Guide for helping Youth After Mass Violence
Coping in Hard Times
Fact Sheet for Youth High School & College Age
Fact Sheet for School Staff, Teachers, Counselors, Administrators, Support Staff
Fact Sheet for Community Organizations and Leaders
Pause-Reset-Nourish (PRN) to Promote Wellbeing - NCTSN Handout
Authored by Diana Tikasz, Hamilton Healthy Sciences, 2020
Supporting Children After the U.S. Capitol Attack - NCTSN Handout
Coping after Mass Violence - NCTSN Handout
Coping During Civil Unrest - compilation by Sam Bernard, et.al.
Discussing Political Violence and Extremism with Young People
A Riot is the Language of the Unheard - The Other America (Speech by Martin Luther King Jr
The Psychology of Riots - and why it's never just mindless violence
The Riots - a comment special - The (UK) Psychologist
Strengthening Your Resilience: Taking Care of Yourself as You Care for Others
More to Come!